Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's a girl to do - Fat Sausage Post

So here is how it goes... When I have a bad day we have a Fat Sausage.. When we have a good day we have a Skinny Bitch!!

Today we defiantly had a FAT SAUSAGE.. It started out OK, I was running late for work so downed a Celeb Slim 4 Him Double Choc Shake (it is the extra protein that makes me smack my lips in excitement).

However it went down hill at lunch time... OH THEY WERE GOING TO THE YUMMY CAFE THAT DOES THE NICE FOCCACIAS!! YOU try and say no to a nice foccacia!

Well that is not that bad bit, anyone following my twitter would have seen that the bad bit was the hot chips..

I went to the gym after work had a decent workout, then came home and had a weight watchers meal...

But hang on a second I hear you ask...
I thought you said you had a fat sausage day, this sounds a bit skinny bitch to me. Surely the exercise makes up for the hot chips with lunch..

Well it would I hear me answer..
If it were not for the fact that when I was offered some WICKED WINGS at about 9pm I just could not say no..
But you do not understand!! There was a cat in hospital and dramas dramas and it is my birthday tomorrow so shut ya cake hole...

I call it your cake hole because I know so much cake goes in it..

oohh I hope I get a birthday cake off someone!!

...The Fat Sausage!!

I can not spell FAR KAR SHA!!

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