Monday, February 16, 2009

Review - Men's Health Magazine February 2009 (Skinny Bitch)

Well when this month's testosterone monthly arrived in my mail box I was mighty impressed by the usual homo erotic specimen on the cover. I was all ready for an exciting romp through the realms of health, fitness, fatherhood, career, sex and ego stroking.
What I got however was about an hours worth of page flipping!
It all starts with a joyous romp of random stats and findings from research done at the University of who cares middle America (did you know in a recent survey of 10,000 women they found out that the sheilas are more interested in a man who is well groomed then one with big muscles and other appendages). Followed of course by glossy ad, glossy ad, glossy ad and ohh and add for Wii Music.
The initial advice section was a yawn, I usually kind of want to read through a lot of this but designating a new hump day for my wife and I to try new erotic things like playing 1 on 1 strip poker just does not seem to spike my radar (I can't imagine why). The only thing that seemed remotely interesting was the recipe for herb roasted chicken however smothering chicken in olive oil then 'bunging' it in the oven does not seem healthy to me.

Now after moving past the regulars was when I really started to get shitted off. Normally you are tortured by one ego stroking "I am a great father who can balance footy, career and an awesome sex life" kind of article. However this time I was treated to several page turning "Preseason footy tips" - you need stamina to be a real man and a great father.
"How to look after your health" - starting at the age of 30 then moving through your illustrious corporate career until you eventually drop dead from prostate cancer in your late 50s.
"Honey traps" - how to avoid the hordes of sluts out there that want nothing to do with you.
"Making sons shine" - I didn't even bother (oh look a picture of how to impress your son with some midlife crisis base playing).

OK finally an article I might find interesting... The science of Low GI foods... Oh wait.. another diet fad I should ignore.. NEXT!

Ok, so it went on like this for a while, I do however intend to make healthy turkey burgers!!

...The Skinny Bitch!!

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