Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Diary Of A Fat Sausage - Carb Loading Edition

Do you know what, I usually allow myself at least one day of freedom each week when it comes to the way I eat, however I just seem to love making that one day of Freedom EXTREME EATING DAY!!
Ok Well perhaps it was not that bad but let us analyze it in the old school Skinny Bitch perspective shall we?

Breakfast - Porridge with honey and goji berries (which don't seem to break down much as they digest.

Morning Snack - K time twist bar (strawberry and yogurt)

I know what your thinking.... Sounds ok, why yo calling yaself a Fat Sausage!
Let me assure you it all spirals out of control from here!!

Lunch - Massive box of Wok It Up satay chicken noodles dripping in sauce!!!
-Tub of yogurt for good measure.. The yogurt was supposed to follow the tuna sand which I took to work but hey when someone says the magic words 'Wok It Up' I respond with 'how hot'....yea I got nothing..

Afternoon snack - Museli bar yogurt top thing.......... I had a lot of yogurt shit today.

Dinner - Chicken Parmigiana served on a bed of FREAKIN SPAGHETTI!!

Who the hell has parmigiana served on spaghetti... The old Beluccis at Dickson! THATS WHO!
Now I would have loved it so much more if it did not take 3 hours to get in front of me.. Seriously I felt like I was going to bite the bitch waiters arm off when she finally bought it out to me I was so hungry..

Thank goodness for the great company (Martine if you are reading this is the perfect time to exercise your blogging skills and write up an entry on how the service SHOULD have gone).

What makes this the ultimate Fat Sausage day??? NO GYM!!

The End

...The Fat Sausage!!

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