Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday To The Fat Sausage

What kind of a freak gets up at 5:45 on the day of their birthday to go to a personal training session at the gym.
This fat sausage of a freak.. Thats who!!!
The day started innocently enough (with the gym and all) plus there was much healthy eating until lunch time when someone said 'wok it up' and I was like HELL TO THE YES!! Ohh Satay Chicken good ness..
Of course I had to get the large but you can all eat shit as it was my birthday.. So that also excuses the coconut slice I had from Michels Patisserie and the double espresso iced coffee I got in the afternoon :P

Ohhh and the large amounts of curry I consumed for dinner (that was the same colour coming out as it was going in) probably did not help either..

I guess the fact that the first few posts of my resurrected blog have been about the fat sausage is not overly encouraging! But quite frankly you can get over it because I do plenty of exercise and it is my birthday weekend so expect plenty of more fat sausages over the next few days...

Off I flutter into the window now to prepare for my birthday BBQ this evening.. see you there fatties!

...The Fat Sausage/Skinny Bitch

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