Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Skinny Bitch 2 Week Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 of the challenge was filled with all kinds of outrageous peril! Including Chinese for dinner...


Nah Nah, it is ok! chill out my brother from another mother!!
I did something unprecedented when enjoying Chinese for dinner. I had a SINGLE small serve. That is right I did not load up a huge plate with heaps of food. I had one plate, with a small amount of food on it which I enjoyed quite slowly as I have been feeling a touch under the weather, which is going to make completing the rest of this challenge interesting.

Oh yes and I promised some sort of measurements... I jumped on Wii Fit this morning and I currently weigh 84.5kgs. I seriously doubt I will lose any actual weight but would you believe that according to the BMI results on Wii Fit I am still JUST OVER the overweight line.. I lost 30 freaking kilos, how can I still be over weight?

So with that in mind I trotted along to the gym after work for my personal training session which ended rather bizzarely as I had to stop about 10 minutes early as I was feeling rather unwell. Whatever has been getting me down lately just took over and I simply had to stop. Weird.
On the plus side though my traininer commented on how much better I was doing... This made me giggle like a school girl, seriously!

Oh I also ate food today...

  • Brekkie - Toast with vegemite
  • Snack - Museli bar
  • Lunch - Tuna sandwhich and a yogurt
  • Snack - Blueberry fruit bar thingie
  • Dinner - Chinese (small bowl - single server - shut the fuck up)
I guess the Chinese was my free meal for this week. What makes it easier at the moment though is that the mighty Seany is along for the ride. Go Seany I say, go seany!

...The Skinny Bitch!!

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