Sunday, February 15, 2009

Skinny Bitch RIP OFF

Even though the vegan WHORE in this video stole my original idea (and took it in a very different direction) some of the ideals in her book are not all that bad, even if she herself is some what conspiracy mad!

Let us compare how things are done in Rory's book "The Skinny Bitch" to how things were done in "Diary Of A Skinny Bitch."

"The Skinny Bitch"
  • Eat nothing but organic food
  • Do not eat any animal products
  • Poo normally and regularly
  • Freak out because the government is trying to fuck us over by making sure that any food that is not 100% vegan will fuck you over.
  • Be a lesbian, it is great!
  • Ok.. maybe I made that last one up.
"Diary Of A Skinny Bitch"
  • Eat artificial diet shakes sold in dodgy franchised pharmacies.
  • Overload yourself on mercury laced tuna and salmon.
  • Over indulge once a week but be sure that you can induce diarrhea the next day to clear it up.
  • Join a gym and have some rather attractive personal trainers teach you.
  • Educate yourself and take in different ways of doing things to mold a lifestyle that suits your own health and body.
  • That last one was semi serious and better then anything that mad cow Rory would try and shove down your organic throat.
So if you have not watched her video yet go ahead and do so now.. Be sure to check some of the related stuff to see her rabbiting on about various other vego bull shit.

...The Skinny Bitch!!

Yes I realise that I claimed to 'eat' a diet shake!

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