Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just a Tired Bitch

I have a question for you! Who pops a sleeping pill then decides to play Xbox and write a blog entry? This bitch that is who!!

And before you get all "you should not take sleeping pills unless you need them Skinny Bitch" let me just say that they were from a health food shop... They are also very good :D

Anyway temptation reared it's ugly head today.. Twice!! The ugly fucker could just not stay away. First of all it was in the form of scrumptious looking berry and white choc muffins - so fresh they were still hot in the bag!! They were kind of easy to say no to as it was still early and I had not long eaten breakfast.. Then later in the day it was the fund raiser person.. Yes that person in the office selling choccies for their kids sports team to go to Bali or some crap! I walked past the box like 10 times then finally folded and purchased some..........but did not eat them.. They are still sitting in the cupboard. I think it is good to keep some temptations in the house so that I can learn to become strong and resist them.. right? Chances are that I will just give in to temptation eventually and eat the lil buggers but oh well... We shall see how I go.

Today I ate food.... in this order.

Oats with banana and honey
cereal bar
nut bar
tuna sandwich
yogurt with almonds
satay chicken
protein shake....

I went to the gym and I did the following -
5 mins jogging on treadmill
chest press
russian twists
bicep curls
lat pull downs
seated row
1000m on the rower..

That was my strength program with some substituions thrown in as my new gym is crazy busy on a week day night... But haazaah for me.. I over came a fear tonight. I have always feared going in and working out amoungst all the big boof heads doing their thing in the weights area. But tonight I threw caution to the wind (my own as I ate a very garlic laced dinner an hour before going to the gym). Many thanks I guess go to my new gym buddy Marky B.. I doubt I would not be pushing myself as hard if I was not trying to keep up with him... I just wish the pain would go away.. stupid pain :(

...The Skinny Bitch!

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