Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Tradies Bitch

I can remember a day where I looked forward to sitting down each night and writing these blog entries. However at that time I was also trimming off more then 2kgs a week so I guess I was a bit more enthusiastic! Stupid losing weight through good eating and exercise... Life was so much simpler when all I had to do was drink 2 chemical filled diet shakes a day and suck on a piece of fish for dinner!

Having said all that though I was extremely excited to step on the ol Wii Fit this morning and see the stunning result of 91.8kgs present itself!! I think by the end of May I will be back under 90kgs where I belong! And the rest of you can just all stew in your fat juices.

My week has been an exciting one of exercise craziness!!!
Monday at the gym was cardio - 3km run and other things for fun
Tuesday was body pump class and total abs - almost killed me :( My back started to feel strained during the squat track so I was doing something wrong... Squatting has always been a talent of mine.

Lasst night I did not go to the gym as I had a catch up dinner at the Tradies club with some ol Skinny bitch fans.. I was good and had the grilled fish of the day (flavourless piece of sea crap that it was) and asked for vegies instead of salad and chips... However what I got was a small serviging of vegies dripping in butter and... A MASSIVE PILE OF CHIPS. I nibbled on a few of the chips as I am not a total Amish.

To make up for that I was at the gym this morning before work and will be going again after work. I have gone for a 40 minute walk each lunch time this week so looking fineeee!!!

July 5th here I come!

...The Skinny Bitch!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Missed a few days bitch!

I wonder of blog spot will kick me off for my constant use of the word bitch!!?? BRING IT ON BITCH!!

Missed a few days out of severe depression!! On Saturday after a very healthy morning at the gym and with good food I went to a tupperware party (and don't you dare judge me fatties because tupperware has CHANGED MY LIFE and it would change yours as well if, like me, you spent upwards of $200 at every party you went to... mine is in August) and at this party there were nibbles.. So I had a few spinach and ricotta triangles, some cheese and crackers and a sampling of the toblerone dip (oh yes, there is such a thing). So anyway to be honest I only really nibbled on everything it is like the ONLY DAY in the entire fracking week that I ate anything bad.. I have even left a Time Out bar propped up on my desk at work to teach me to avoid temptation so one meal off a week should not hurt right? WRONG!
We are all DOOMED people because the next morning I jumped on the Wii Fit and I seemed to have a sky rocketed a full kilo?? WTF MATE!

Ok so I know that weight can change plus or minus of 1kg each day but it just ruined the progress it looked like I was making after one week. I guess it will have to be a case of no indulgences for a few weeks whilst I put my body into a fat burning mode!! Yes that is right I believe in such a thing as a fat burning mode!

So anyway it was well and truly back on the bandwagon after that. No gym on Sunday but a decent bush walk/hike up a mountain with some friends followed by a salad for lunch. Today was the following (and in this order)

Toast with smoked salmon
cereal bar
nut bar
chicken and avocado sandwich
vanilla yogurt
(30 mins cardio at the gym)
chicken vegies and a bit of pasta

Wii Fit oh arch nemesis of mine... Tomorrow is another day!!!

Oh and I seem to be teetering on 93-92.9kgs at the moment...

...The Skinny Bitch!