Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Tradies Bitch

I can remember a day where I looked forward to sitting down each night and writing these blog entries. However at that time I was also trimming off more then 2kgs a week so I guess I was a bit more enthusiastic! Stupid losing weight through good eating and exercise... Life was so much simpler when all I had to do was drink 2 chemical filled diet shakes a day and suck on a piece of fish for dinner!

Having said all that though I was extremely excited to step on the ol Wii Fit this morning and see the stunning result of 91.8kgs present itself!! I think by the end of May I will be back under 90kgs where I belong! And the rest of you can just all stew in your fat juices.

My week has been an exciting one of exercise craziness!!!
Monday at the gym was cardio - 3km run and other things for fun
Tuesday was body pump class and total abs - almost killed me :( My back started to feel strained during the squat track so I was doing something wrong... Squatting has always been a talent of mine.

Lasst night I did not go to the gym as I had a catch up dinner at the Tradies club with some ol Skinny bitch fans.. I was good and had the grilled fish of the day (flavourless piece of sea crap that it was) and asked for vegies instead of salad and chips... However what I got was a small serviging of vegies dripping in butter and... A MASSIVE PILE OF CHIPS. I nibbled on a few of the chips as I am not a total Amish.

To make up for that I was at the gym this morning before work and will be going again after work. I have gone for a 40 minute walk each lunch time this week so looking fineeee!!!

July 5th here I come!

...The Skinny Bitch!

1 comment:

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